Friday, April 12, 2013

Hakima's Arts Memory!

Hi Students,
I wanna share one of my drawing memory, this picture has four years ago, I draw it while I had been here in New York City for two months, it's an imaginary because I was looking for a mosque in the surrounding area. So, for me and my imaginary its looked like this.


  1. Hello Hakima,

    I love your drawing! The more time I spend looking at it, the more details I discover. The pillars on the bank, the street signs. And the flower shop next to the supermarket reminds me of the flower shop next to the C-Town supermarket on Broadway.

    The tree across the street from the Post Office is so elegant.

    After looking a little longer, I can see how well planned your drawing is. I can imagine entering your city scene from the bottom-left corner, near between the Park and the Gas Station. I can imagine you walking through the streets, trying to find the Mosque. The Mosque is hidden behind the Grand Hotel. You must continue walking past the bank and the theater. And then, finally, you find the place you were looking for.

    And the Mosque is the most beautiful building of all. Does your mosque in Queens look like this? With the tower to call to prayer, and the crescent moon?

    I think I see Arabic writing above the door. Can you tell me what it means?

    You have a talent for drawing and story-telling. I hope you will share more story-pictures!

    -Eric, NYC, USA

    1. Hi Eric
      Thank you teacher, you know it was my first output so I was looking for a mosque and when I comeback home I draw that picture and the word above the door mean (mosque).
      It not looks like this but I was thinking about my mosque in Algeria where I went before and really I had good souvenirs there.
      Thank yoooooooooooooooooooooooooo a lot for every things.

    2. Hakima,

      I am really happy that you shared this with us. Thanks for replying to my questions.

      I am really excited for you to take your trip to Algeria. I hope that you will share your pictures and stories from your visit.

      -Eric, NYC, USA

  2. Hello Madjid,

    Thank you for posting this on behalf of Hakima. You are truly dedicated to helping our classmates.

    -Eric, NYC, USA

  3. Hi Eric,

    Its a big pleasure for me to share Hakima's projects the way that we can show her drawing to other students, maybe we can get more design and drawing from them. I really liked her inspiration. We need more Hakima more!

    Madjid, NYC, USA


Thanks for reading. Tell us what you think! Please write your name after your comment, so the author of the post knows who to reply to. You don't need to use your full name: first name only is fine.

-Eric, NYC